Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan, the Basics

So that I can try to reset from jet-lag, I will be arriving in Mitaka about a week before my classes start. As far as I know, there isn't a major orientation for the September Students (so dubbed, because we all just show up in September), so I can wander around the city for a little bit. Hopefully, I can find my way back home, too. I could aimlessly stroll down the streets and jump on random buses to find something interesting, but I'm not that spontaneous. Wouldn't it be more fun to have Japanese Scavenger hunt?! Of course it would!!

Here are the things I need to find, photograph, and visit in my first week (I don't know what sort of batsu to give myself, but I'll think of something).

1. Locate a Lawson convenience store. I figure that this shouldn't be too difficult, since it is the second largest convenience chain in Japan with 1255 stores in Tokyo alone. Originally, it started in Ohio (my mother's family has fond Lawson memories) but now they can only be found in the land of the rising sun. Why is locating a Lawson also important? That is the ONLY place in Japan where you can buy tickets to the Studio Ghibli Museum!

2. Ramen shop. No, guys, I'm serious. A for-real-make-their-own-broth ramen shop. If you understand my need to find one, then you have probably already eaten at one before. I have only heard wonderful and great things about these places. Maybe I won't get some on the first day, but once I find it, I'll know where to go.

3. A dojo, maybe even THE dojo, I haven't decided yet. Every year, my dojo (at least, my teacher) goes to Japan to train with men and women who have been practicing Taijutsu for most of their lives. Our guys work with people (good and bad, skilled and .... lacking)from around the world. If I went with the dojo guys, they could show me how to get to a good Japanese dojo. But hopefully, I can spend a day to make it there on my own. I don't know how often I'll get to train in Japan, but I have to make the effort.

4. A second hand store. I'm told they are around, you just have to find them. And I'm not spending 10 months in Japan unless I can find some kind of Goodwill-look-alike.

5. The ocean. It is an island. Sure, I know that it isn't rivaling the surf of California or the beauty of the Bahamas, but I love water regardless. "Do they have any beaches in Japan?" - Silly blonde girl from New York

6. Cell phone company & Embassy. I'm not sure in which order I'll find these in, but they both need to get done.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I'll post the pictures to prove I've found the items in my list.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was just wondering if you ever found a Lawson nearby? I am at ICU and I need tickets to the Ghibli museum and I am practically pulling out my hair trying to find a darn Lawson around here!! I am pretty sure 100 Lawsons can't do the tickets, because I know a ton of those. If you see this I would really really appreciate any help asap!! Thanks so much!!
