Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Final Photos and Goodbyes

Leaving for ICU has me feeling like a college freshman all over again: I don't know much about the campus, teachers, classes, or student life save for what I've heard and found on the internet. But I figure that since I'm back to square one, I might as well act like it!

Before Witt, I made sure to see all of my friends, family, and dojo members so that I'd have some recent memories of them all to take with me to school. Sure, I'd be coming home for Christmas, but when you find an excuse to be with the people you love, you grab it, right? Being back at home has let me relax and talk with my family, Fanam, and friends from high school. I am spending a few days with my grandparents right now, and most of the family came out for the cousins' yearly picture session. It is so odd to think that we could stand in the same house that we played in as kids! I took a whole bunch of photos of my grandparents' home and garden to help cheer me up in Japan.

Yeah, that's right! I have a camera now!! It still blows my mind that camera's don't need film anymore (well, alright, some still do, but that is on purpose).

After the family photo shoot, a bunch of us went out for Starbucks. My aunt gave me a fantastic pep-talk (she studied abroad for 3 months in Brazil) and it was heartening to hear the language adventure stories from a member of the family. It is one thing when people my own age come back and say, "That was a blast! You're going to love it! I wish I could go back!" and to hear her talk about what an impact it still has on her life.

I know that few of us want to grow up. There is always a bitter-sweet feeling at graduations, good-bye parties, and before a trip. I know that this is going to change me in more ways than I can see right now, and I wanted to see the people I've grown up with to almost reassure myself that I've changed before and they still like me.

Sorry, to get so mushy, everyone. I'll promise to pep up!

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