Alex: Did you see that? I would have never matched leopard leggings and a baggy, purple shirt! That was such a cool idea!Luna: Yeah, you'll see a lot of that.Miki: A lof of what?Alex: Japanese fashion. It is pretty cool, but I don't know how to duplicate it yet.Miki: I don't see much of a difference in what you're wearing and what Japanese people usually wear.Alex: Awww, thanks, Miki.Luna: You do look nice, but there are major differences in Japanese and American style.Alex: True story.Miki: For example?Alex: Um, okay, well, for example that boy with the leopard leggings and the purple shirt. He'd probably get laughed at in Ohio. In New York, that might be more common, but most people would think he can't match his clothes well. And a lot of guys, I mean a LOT of guys, at school wear fanny packs over their chests like a purse. That hasn't really caught on in America yet.Luna: That's true. And overalls are actually popular here. I mean, back home that's what people wear to work in or do something on a farm, but look at that girl! She's has overalls and the cuffs rolled up to her calf.Alex: Yeah, that is something I would have worn when I was 5. Much of the style here is very young and cute.Miki: But I wore overalls on Thursday....Alex: I know, I know, and you looked so adorable! But in America, if you wear that, people will think your a little strange. Or maybe even poor.Luna: In a few years, people in America will be dressing like the Japanese do now (a little), but by then, you will be doing something COMPLETELY different.Miki: So if I wear my clothes in America, people will think I'm strange?Alex: No, no, no, no. You're style is so sweet, Miki. And since you're from Japan, people will expect you to have slightly different clothing combinations.Miki: Ahhh. I still don't think there is much difference....Luna & Alex: Trust us, there is.
Now, none of this is to knock the Japanese fashion world. I love the fact that ankle boots, hair bows, headbands, little straw hats, and sweaters are all on the "hot list" for this coming fall line. Some girls on my floor and I were pouring over a Japanese magazine, and the outfits looked so adorable. Another positive aspect about fashion here, I can pull off leggings with anything here! Girls might wear super short skirts or have strapless shirts, but they always have something underneath. Leggings, undershirts, t-shirts, anything! You hardly see a Japanese person exposing a lot of skin, and when they do, it is because they're making a statement or trying to look more like Western girls. My friend Gina was stopped by someone the other day and told that she looked very nice, but have the Japanese fashion down pat yet. Why not? Her collar bone was showing in too many of her outfits.
Now, you see some really strange stuff here (you do everywhere), but the Japanese take great pride in their appearance. It starts in junior high school where students are drilled in proper uniform attire, hair style, and (no matter how busy one gets) always looking sharp and well groomed. Once they're older, I can definitely see how many of them carry these teachings into the work world, and even into different fashion sub-cultures. No matter what the trend, they look great.
There are so many things I'd like to say, but I'll stop here before I ramble. The next fashion entry will have to be about the shoe culture here, but I'll save all that for later!
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