Saturday, October 2, 2010

Where Did That Come From?!

While walking to the Japanese-version of Marc's, I decided to go on the opposite side of the street, just for kicks. It is just the other side of the street right? WRONG!! Hiding on that side were 3 totally new places!

1. A grapevine field; I wasn't sure if I was seeing properly at first or not. I just got done telling a friend of mine yesterday that they don't have grapevines here, and I had stopped looking for them, actually. As I was going along, There was a wall of ginko trees forming a barrier to a small farm and I thought, "That's strange... I wonder what's behind the trees. (looks inside) Those seem like ivy. (stares for a while) Really familiar ivy. GRAPES!!" Sadly, these grapevines are made for making grapes, so the leaves were (you know, besides inedible) smaller than I was used to. But, lo and behold, the sign says they are grapevines. I wonder if they are going to have a wine making event or grape-squashing day...I wanna go if they do!!

2. Greeks; this was actually on my way back. I was walking underneath the pedestrian bridge, and glanced up at a sign. It was in Japanese, sure, but it was in katakana, which meant that it was for a foreign word. The foreign word was right underneath the Japanese. I wasn't going to bother reading it, but one of the letters didn't look right to me. Because it was Greek!! I found a Greek company here! I don't know what they do or who they are, but they're Greek by gum! This calls for some investigation at a later date.

3. A Shrine; I was told that shrines and temples were everywhere in Japan, so I was very disappointed in the lack of both in my town. I wasn't expecting anything large, just a little shrine to Amaterasu, that's all. Well, going along the sidewalk, I had to pause and let a swarm of little, old, Japanese women come past me. "Where are they all coming from?" I wondered. So, curious as I am, I went down the side street they had just come from and found a stone torii gate! The entrance to a Shinto shrine!! It was soooo cute and little with it's little summoning bell and stone inscriptions, but I didn't want to take a picture of it, seeing as the women were still kind of right there. But now I know where it is and I can go back and get a few pictures (any more than a few and I'd be getting duplicate images - that is how small this shrine is).

I also want to get photos of my Fruit-Stand Grandma, or at least her garden and flags so that you can see what it all looks like. I swear, she's there in her little nook everyday, so hopefully she gets more customers than just me.

Also, I update various photo albums, so even if you think that you've seen one, check the last few photos in the album to see if I have added to them or not. And I moved Campus & Heya 2 up to the top for my little sister to see better. This is all mostly for you, Phia.

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