Thursday, December 23, 2010

City Farms

What in name of Farmville has happened here?! Am I going crazy?! Seeing things?!

So, there are little farms in my town. I can get that. They are more like these little plots of land with an odd assortment of veggies and such grown by who-knows-who for who-knows-what. But they are cute, and our town is small-ish, so they aren’t so out of the ordinary. But I was riding my bike back from Kichijoji, a city which (I personally think) is rather large-ish in Japan (it is by Ohio standards, at least), and I’m riding, and I’m riding, and then I stop riding, because in the parking lot, I see a bird. But not a normal city bird, mind you. I saw a chicken; a live, clucking, walking chicken. Wait, no, there were three chickens. Two hens, one rooster, and a partridge in a pear tree~~ Haha, a little Christmas jest, that.

Apparently, and I didn’t stop to ask too many questions, but the person who owns the parking lot built a super-sketchy "chicken coop" next to the Pepsi and coffee machines and trained his birds to avoid cars (very important) and not to leave the area or go into the street (another useful trick since now no one can ask him, “Why did the chicken cross the..” Oh, you’ve heard that one? My bad). These chickens were rather flustered as I stared at their odd, fowl selves, but they never left their area of safety around the roost. One of them even scampered up to the top shelf to hide away. The others started running in circles which didn't help my confusion.

I just didn’t get it. I still don’t get it.

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