Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank You for Your Patience

Hello everyone! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Long time, no see!

I just got back (lies - I actually got back yesterday) from my winter vacation trip. Maybe you have heard of it? No? Well, it is just a little thing we like to call the Long-Awaited, Cross-Country, Pan-Japan, Coffee-Infused, Giant Robot Invasion of 冬休み (winter vacation) 2010, sponsored by Lawsons 100 Yen. Phew! Did you get all that? On we go then: I took over a thousand photos in those 10 days and kept an ongoing travel log, but I can't write about anything just yet since Gina has almost all of the pictures and we all know that is the more interesting section of my blog. This short post is just to let you know that I made it home alive (although there were a few close calls) and I'm back into school. I feel like it has been a month since I last logged onto my blog, but I updated almost all my photo albums before I left *hint hint go look hint hint*, so those of you who noticed had something to read while I was gone. Hopefully there will be more frequent posts (once I get those photos!) since my New Year's resolution is.....wait for it.....wait for it.....don't procrastinate!! But I'll worry about that later.

I will say this, we did this trip in what may be a record low budget. Considering the cost of living is so high here, and the dollar is currently the same as Monopoly toy money, Gina and I made sure to stay on the cheap side of everything. Maybe not the best idea for some things, but it all worked out. We still had fun, don't get me wrong, and even spent time lounging in various spa baths for 3 hours, but it was all dirt cheap: 3 hours at the spa was $10 - New Years Special Pricing!!!

On a more serious note, I think that my spoken Japanese has just plummeted since I was so busy being with Gina that I forgot to use Japanese during most of my time. I do, however, have a higher kanji count now thanks to all of the place names and frequent train rides; always a positive side to things. But all things considered? I wouldn't have traded a second of this experience.

Blessed New Year, everyone!

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