Friday, February 18, 2011

Plum Blossoms

 A while ago, I was surprised to see a bunch of white fluffy things stuck to two of the trees in main field here. It wasn't snow or cotton, but it was still so cold out. I asked around and found out that these are the campus' plum blossoms which are notorious for blooming in late winter. They are so cute and they all cover the trees! They are such great flowers, I wish I could keep some. I couldn't get over the contrast between these soft little buds and the stark branches all around them. Hopefully some of these came out well, but I'm going to try and snag more photos later on.

The next exciting flower blooming time will be in April when all the cherry trees start up. ICU's main road is lined with cherry blossom trees, so I won't even have to travel very far to see some. Rumor has it, though, that everyone and their brother swarms our campus in the spring time to look at the flowers, so I might have to fight off an army of hanami (flower viewing) enthusiasts to get some good pictures when the time comes.

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