Monday, November 22, 2010

Helping House Mom with English

I feel so helpful! I was lounging in the lounge when my House Mom came up to me with a question about English! We rehearsed a script about the next day’s fire drill that she had to give over the loud speakers. She was so worried that she’d pronounce something wrong, so for half an hour we tried to get her comfortable with proper accents and timing for all the new words (like “evacuate” v. “evacuation”). I thought it was a one-time thing, but apparently now I’m her go-to-girl for all these things. We even have a time set up for her to practice the English readings of other dorm-wide announcements. It is great to see her taking her responsibilities so seriously. She has very good English, but she wants to make sure that she’s clearly understood so that all the students know what to do and everyone will be happy and protected. Awww, thanks, Mrs. Kaji.


  1. "She have very good English?" I don't think you're the one she wants helping her with these things, you still have some work to do yourself :P

  2. I don't know what you're talking about...
