Sunday, November 14, 2010

Missing: Grandma Nashi

Oh, no! I was walking along one day, when I realized that something was missing. Had I lost my wallet? Did I forget to do my homework? Nope. Someone was missing: Grandma Nashi!!

Next to one of the little farms/gardens near my school, a little, old woman would sit selling Asian pears (nashi, hence her nickname) which I would buy about once a week. But lately, I was so busy with the festival that I hadn’t gone to see her. But on that day, I realized that I haven’t seen her out by the fruit stand in a while. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen the fruit stand, either. So, not only have I not had an Asian pear in weeks, but I haven’t gotten to see my little obaasan. :S

What sad times are these when foreign college students cannot purchase Asian pears from Japanese grandmothers in autumn. Maybe she is not growing pears anymore or has moved her location, but I was hoping that come fall, she would have more fruit. *sigh* I guess not.

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